VCI Foam Inhibitor

VCI Foam Inhibitor

The VCI Foam Inhibitor is a non-abrasive cushion foam and corrosion inhibitor. Non-abrasive, soft, fluffy, and flexible, the foam is capable of absorbing impact while preventing corrosion. Functions as a cushion foam and corrosion inhibitor, the VCI Foam Inhibitor is ideal for delicate and sensitive components, including polished finishes. This includes products such as electronics, valuable equipment, delicate subassemblies, steel, copper, zinc, and other multi-metals. The VCI Foam Inhibitor is also resilient and is adverse to humidity, dirt, condensation or environmental factors, making it ideal for export. Upon removing the foam, corrosion inhibitors dissipate and leave no residue, ensuring the product is dry and clean. No cleaning is required, and the product is ready for use.

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